2020 CBE Annual Report

College of Business and Economics | Annual Report 2020 33 food evoluTion researCh laBoraTorY (ferl) The Food Evolution Research Laboratory (FERL) contributes to combat the impact of COVID-19 and the subsequent lockdown on dietary habits and food choices. FERL conducted a study on the dietary habits and possible health outcomes in Sub-Saharan Africa during the COVID-19 lockdown. FERL and the Nutrition Society of South Africa (NSSA) hosted a virtual symposium to commemorate World Food Day. insTiTuTe for TransPorT and logisTiCs sTudies (afriCa) The Institute for Transport and Logistics Studies (ITLS) (Africa), located within the Department of Transport and Supply Chain Management, responds to industry needs for independent, unbiased, relevant and up-to-date research. Its international partner institution is the Institute of Transport and Logistics Studies at the University of Sydney. In 2020, the contribution of ITLS (Africa) ranged from surveys on trends in transport, logistics and supply chain management to once-off specialist research projects, such as the skills gaps in Kenya, Namibia, and Zimbabwe. CenTre for afriCan Business The Johannesburg Business School (JBS) Centre for African Business (CAB) acts as an interface between business and the Johannesburg Business School. The CAB aims to contribute towards making JBS recognised for excellence in management and leadership capacity building in Africa and internationally, and is committed to the decolonisation of teaching, learning and the broader curriculum – using Africa-specific examples and outputs. The Centre runs various events (seminars, workshops and short courses) linked to its research outputs and geared towards driving the Pan-African agenda and strategy of the Johannesburg Business School, and the University of Johannesburg at large. The CAB’s principal activity is to develop and publish contextually relevant case studies using Africa-specific examples and outputs, as well as conducting research, and publishing opinion editorials and white papers. CenTre for enTrePreneurshiP The Johannesburg Business School (JBS) Centre for Entrepreneurship (UJCE) aims to be an internationally recognised centre of excellence in discovering, developing, and implementing innovative and value-adding small and medium enterprises development programmes, targeting primarily the Soweto and Greater Johannesburg regions, but also further afield where appropriate. Recognising the UJCE’s role as a key player in the entrepreneurship ecosystem, the UJCE is also committed to developing strategic programmes, which facilitate the graduation of existing very small enterprises (VSE) to full SME status with higher levels of operational efficiency and effectiveness, as well as profitability. PuBliC and environmenTal eConomiC researCh CenTre (PeerC) The Public and Environmental Economic Research Centre (PEERC) is dedicated to basic, applied and strategic research in environmental economics. Governments and development agencies have now recognised the key role of environmental assets for sustainable development. This increased focus on the healthy environment has clearly shifted the fiscal debates around the world to policies that promote effective incorporation of environmental concerns into development decision making. TeChnoPreneurshiP CenTre The Technopreneurship Centre is an ideation and innovation hub where industries’ most pressing unresolved challenges can be addressed, researched, and solved by our students, supported by exceptional academics. The Centre fosters collaboration among students and industry partners with regard to building technologies, by involving students in structuring real-life innovative solutions in the form of intelligent software systems, video games, mobile applications (apps), and other forms of technological solutions that address business, economical and societal challenges, required by industries, local communities, and the government.