2019 CBE Annual Report

24 CBE Knowledge Generation and Dissemination ovErviEw 24 postgrAduAtE output 24 postgrAduAtE rECruitmEnt 25 improvEd knowlEdgE gEnErAtion 25 rEsEArCh thEmEs 26 AnnuAl honours postEr CompEtition 26 institutE of trAnsport And logistiCs studiEs (itls (AfriCA) 27 CEntrE for AfriCAn BusinEss (CAB) 27 CEntrE of loCAl EConomiC dEvElopmEnt (CEnlEd) 27 CEntrE for CompEtition, rEgulAtion And EConomiC dEvElopmEnt (CCrEd) 27 food EvolutionrEsEArCh lABorAtory (fErl) 27 puBliC And EnvironmEnt EConomiC rEsEArCh CEntrE (pEErC) 27 CEntrE for puBliC mAnAgEmEnt And govErnAnCE (Cpmg) 27 going forwArd 28 Johannesburg Business School 29 School of Accounting 34 School of Consumer Intelligence and Information Systems 37 School of Economics 41 School of Public Management, Governance and Public Policy 50 School of Tourism and Hospitality 54 DHET-NRF SARChI Chair in Entrepreneurship Education 58 DST/NRF South African Research Chair in Industrial Development 60 DST/NRF/Newton Fund Trilateral Research Chair in Transformative Innovation, the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) and Sustainable Development 63 School of Management 45 dEpArtmEnt of BusinEss mAnAgEmEnt 46 dEpArtmEnt of finAnCE And invEstmEnt mAnAgEmEnt 47 dEpArtmEnt of industriAl psyChology And pEoplE mAnAgEmEnt 47 dEpArtmEnt of trAnsport And supply ChAin mAnAgEmEnt 48 29